احنا منتدياااااااااات دودي احلي شباب وبنات مصر كلها
يلا اكتب اسمك والباسورد ومضعيش وقت


احنا منتدياااااااااات دودي احلي شباب وبنات مصر كلها
يلا اكتب اسمك والباسورد ومضعيش وقت

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.


الصداقة هي الحب ولكن بلا أجنحة!

الرئيسيةالبوابةالتسجيلأحدث الصوردخول


 من السيره النبويه ولكن بالانجليزيه

اذهب الى الأسفل 
3 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
الدلوعه وبس
كـبار شخصيات المنتدي
كـبار شخصيات المنتدي
الدلوعه وبس

عدد الرسائل : 2115
تاريخ الميلاد : 12/01/1990
العمر : 34
الحالة : كلو تمام
Loisirs : ولا اى حاجه
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تاريخ التسجيل : 08/08/2008

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مُساهمةموضوع: من السيره النبويه ولكن بالانجليزيه   من السيره النبويه ولكن بالانجليزيه I_icon_minitime28/9/2010, 08:52

سيرة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم باللغة الانجليزية

Nearly four thousand years ago, in the Sumerian town of Ur in thevalley of the river Euphrates, lived a young man named Abraham. Thepeople of Ur had once worshipped Allah but as time passed they forgotthe true religion and started praying to idols, statues made of wood orclay and sometimes even of precious stones. Even as a small childAbraham could not understand how his people, and especially his father,could make these images with their own hands, call them gods, and thenworship them. He had always refused to join his people when they paidrespect to these statues. He would leave town to sit alone and thinkabout heavens and the worlds around him.. He was sure his people weredoing wrong and so alone he searched for the right way. One clear nightas he sat staring at the sky he saw a beautiful shining star, sobeautiful that he cried out: 'This must be Allah!' He looked at it inawe for some time, until suddenly it began to fade and then itdisappeared. He turned away in disappointment saying: I love not thingsthat set. (Koran vi.77)

On another night Abraham was again looking at the sky and he saw therising moon, so big and bright that he felt he could almost touch it.He thought to himself: This is my Lord. (Koran vi.78) But it was notlong before the moon set as well. Then he said, Unless my Lord guidesme, I surely shall become one of the folk who are astray. (Koran vi.78)Abraham then saw the beauty and splendor of the sunrise and decidedthat the sun must be the biggest and most powerful thing in theuniverse. But for the third time he was wrong, for the sun set at theend of the day. It was then that he realized that Allah is the MostPowerful, the Creator of the stars, the moon, the sun, the earth and ofall living things. Suddenly he felt himself totally at peace, becausehe knew that he had found the Truth.

When he said unto his father and his folk: What do you worship? They said: We worship idols, and are ever devoted to them.

He said: Do they hear you when you cry? Or do they benefit or harm you?They said: Nay, but we found our fathers acting in this manner.
He said: See now that which you worship, You and your forefathers! Lo!they are (all) an enemy to me, except the Lord of the Worlds. Whocreated me, and He guides me, And Who feeds me and waters me. And whenI sicken, then He heals me. And Who causes me to die, then gives melife (again) And Who, I ardently hope, will forgive me my sin on theDay of judgement. (Koran xxvi.70-82)
One day, while all the townspeople were out, Abraham angrily smashedall the idols with his right hand except for one which was very large.When the people returned they were furious.
They remembered the things Abraham had said about the idols. They hadhim brought forth before everyone and demanded, 'Is it you who did thisto our gods, 0 Abraham?' Abraham replied, "But this their chief did it.Ask them, if they are able to speak". The people exclaimed,"'You knowthey do not speak".

' 'Do you worship what you yourselves have carved when Allah createdyou and what you make?' Abraham continued, 'Do you worship instead ofAllah that which cannot profit you at all, nor harm you?' (Koranxxxvii.95-6)(Koran xxi.66)
Finally, Abraham warned them, Serve Allah, and keep your duty unto Him;that is better for you if you did but know. You serve instead of Allahonly idols, and you only invent a lie. Lo! those whom you serve insteadof Allah own no provision for you. So seek your provision from Allah,and serve Him, and give thanks unto Him, (for) unto Him you will bebrought back.(Koran xxix. 16-17)

The people of Ur decided to give Abraham the worst punishment theycould find: he was to be burnt to death. On the chosen day all thepeople gathered in the centre of the city and even the King of Ur wasthere. Abraham was then placed inside a special building filled withwood. The wood was lit. Soon the fire became so strong that the peoplewere pushed back by the flames.

But Allah said: "O fire, be coolness and peace for Abraham". (Koran xxi.69)
The people waited until the fire had completely died down, and it wasthen that they saw Abraham still sitting there as though nothing hadhappened! At that moment they were utterly confused. They were not,however, moved by the miracle that had just happened before their veryeyes.
Still Abraham tried to persuade his own dear father, who was namedAzar, not to worship powerless, un-seeing, un-hearing statues. Abrahamexplained that special knowledge had come to him and implored hisfather, 'So follow me and I will lead you on the right path. 0 myfather! Don't serve the Devil.' But Azar would not listen. Hethreatened his son with stoning if he continued to reject the gods ofUr. He ordered Abraham to leave the city with these words: 'Depart fromme a long while.' Abraham said, 'Peace be upon you! I shall ask myLord's forgiveness for you. Surely He was ever gracious to me.' (Koranxix.43-7)
Imagine how terrible it must have been for him to leave his home,

his family and all that he knew, and set out across the wilderness intothe unknown. But at the same time, how could he have remained amongpeople who did not believe in Allah and who worshipped statues? Abrahamalways had a sense that Allah cared for him and he felt Allah near himas he traveled. At last, after a long hard journey, he arrived at aplace by the Mediterranean Sea, not far from Egypt. There he married anoble woman by the name of Sarah and settled in the land of Palestine.Many years passed but Abraham and his wife were not blessed with anychildren. In the hope that there would be a child, and in keeping withtradition, Sarah suggested that Abraham should marry Hagar, herEgyptian handmaid. Soon after this took place, Hagar had a little boynamed Ishmael. Some time later Allah promised Abraham another son, butthis time the mother of the child would be his first wife, Sarah. Thissecond son would be called Isaac. Allah also told Abraham that from histwo sons-Ishmael and Isaac-two nations and three religions would befounded and because of this he must take Hagar and Ishmael away fromPalestine to a new land

These events were an important part of Allah's plan, for thedescendants of Ishmael would form a nation from which would come agreat Prophet, who would guide the people in the way of Allah. This wasto be Muhammad (pbuh), the Messenger of Allah (pbuh). From thedescendants of Sarah's child, Isaac, would come Moses and Jesus.
So it was that Abraham, Hagar, and Ishmael left Palestine. Theytraveled for many days until finally they reached the arid valley ofBacca ( later to be called Mecca), which was on one of the greatcaravan routes. There was no water in the valley and although Hagar andIshmael only had a small supply of water left, Abraham left them thereknowing Allah would take care of them. Soon all the water was gone. Thechild began to grow weak from thirst. There were two hills nearby, onecalled Safa and the other Marwah. Hagar went up one hill and lookedinto the distance to see if she could find any water,

but found none. So she went to the other hill and did the same. She didthis seven times. Then sadly she returned to her son, and to her greatsurprise and joy she found a spring of water bubbling out of the earthnear him. This spring, near which the mother and child settled, waslater called Zamzam. The area around it became a place of rest for thecaravans travelling across the desert and in time grew into the famoustrading city of Mecca.
From time to time Abraham traveled from Palestine to visit his familyand he saw Ishmael grow into a strong young man. It was during one ofthese visits that Allah commanded them to rebuild the Ka'bah-the veryfirst place where people had worshipped Allah. They were told exactlywhere and how to build it. It was to be erected by the well of Zamzamand built in the shape of a cube. In its eastern corner was to beplaced a black stone that had fallen to earth from heaven. An angelbrought the stone to them from the nearby hill of Abu Qubays.

Abraham and Ishmael worked hard to rebuild the Ka'bah and as they didso they prayed to Allah to send a Prophet from among their descendants.And when Abraham and Ishmael were raising the foundations of the House,(Abraham prayed): 'Our Lord! Receive this from us; Thou, only Thou, artthe All-hearing, the All-knowing; Our Lord! And make us submissive untoThee and of our seed a nation submissive unto Thee, and show us ourways of worship, and turn toward us. Lo! Thou, only Thou, art theRelenting, the Merciful. Our Lord! And raise up in their midst amessenger from among them who shall recite unto them Thy revelations,and shall instruct them in the Scripture and in wisdom and shall makethem grow. Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the Mighty, Wise. (Koran ii.127-9)When the Ka'bah was completed, Allah commanded Abraham to call mankindto pilgrimage to His Holy House. Abraham wondered how anyone could hearhis call. Allah said, 'You call and I will bring them.' This was howthe pilgrimage to the Ka'bah in Mecca was established and when Muslimsmake the pilgrimage today they continue to answer the age-old call ofAbraham.

The Children Of Ishmael
Over the years Ishmael's children themselves had children. Hisdescendants increased and formed tribes which spread out all overArabia. One of these tribes was called Quraysh. Its people never movedaway from Mecca and always lived near the Ka'bah. One of the duties ofthe leader of Quraysh was to look after those who came on pilgrimage tothe Ka'bah. The pilgrims would come from all over Arabia and it was agreat honor to provide them with food and water.

As time passed, however, the Arabs stopped worshipping Allah directlyand started bringing idols back with them from the different countriesthey visited. These idols were placed at the Ka'bah, which was nolonger regarded as the Sanctuary of Allah, as Abraham had intended it.It was, however, still respected by the Arabs. Around this time thewell of Zamzam disappeared beneath the sand.

Also at this time, Qusayy, one of the leaders of Quraysh, became rulerover Mecca. He held the keys of the temple and had the right to givewater to the pilgrims, to feed them, to take charge of meetings, and tohand out war banners before battle. It was also in his house thatQuraysh settled their affairs. After Qusayy's death, his son 'AbduManaf, who had become famous during his father's lifetime, took overthe leadership of Quraysh. After him came his son Hashim. It is saidthat Hashim was the first to begin the two great caravan journeys ofQuraysh, one in the summer to Syria and the north, and one in thewinter to Yemen and the south. As a result, Mecca grew rich and becamea large and important centre of trade.

One summer Hashim went north to buy goods to sell in Yemen. On his wayhe stopped in Yathrib to trade in the market and there he saw abeautiful woman. She was Salma', the daughter of 'Amr ibn Zeid, who wasfrom a much respected family.

Hashim proposed marriage to her and was accepted because he was an honorable and distinguished man.
In time, Salma' gave birth to a beautiful son and as some of his hairwas white they called him Shaybah, which in Arabic means grey-haired'.

Mother and son stayed in the cooler, healthier climate of Yathrib,while Hashim returned to Mecca, but he would visit them each time hetook his caravan to the north. During one of these journeys, however,Hashim became ill and died. Shaybah, a handsome, intelligent boy, grewup in his uncle's house in Yathrib. He was proud of being the son ofHashim ibn 'Abdi Manaf, the head of Quraysh, guardian of the Ka'bah andprotector of the pilgrims, even though he had not known his father, whohad died while Shaybah was very young.
At Hashim's death his brother al-Muttalib took over his duties andresponsibilities. He traveled to Yathrib to see his nephew, Shaybah,and decided that as the boy would one day inherit his father's place
How It All Began
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
رئيسه المنتدي
رئيسه المنتدي

عدد الرسائل : 20500
تاريخ الميلاد : 27/10/1984
العمر : 39
الحالة : الحمد لله على كل حال
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تاريخ التسجيل : 04/07/2008

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: من السيره النبويه ولكن بالانجليزيه   من السيره النبويه ولكن بالانجليزيه I_icon_minitime28/9/2010, 11:03

بارك الله فيكى دلوعه
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
الدلوعه وبس
كـبار شخصيات المنتدي
كـبار شخصيات المنتدي
الدلوعه وبس

عدد الرسائل : 2115
تاريخ الميلاد : 12/01/1990
العمر : 34
الحالة : كلو تمام
Loisirs : ولا اى حاجه
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تاريخ التسجيل : 08/08/2008

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شكرا يا دودو
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
رئيسه المنتدي
رئيسه المنتدي

عدد الرسائل : 7179
تاريخ الميلاد : 25/03/1988
العمر : 36
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تاريخ التسجيل : 30/06/2007

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: من السيره النبويه ولكن بالانجليزيه   من السيره النبويه ولكن بالانجليزيه I_icon_minitime30/10/2011, 05:45

هايل بجد تسلمي
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
من السيره النبويه ولكن بالانجليزيه
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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