بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
في التأني السلامة ،،، وفي العجلة الندام
In patience you gain safety, and by rush you gain regrets
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من راقب الناس ،،،، صار جحشا
People watchers are Lame
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اسأل مجرب ولا تسأل طبيب
Asking an experienced person
is better than asking a doctor
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ما طار طير وارتفع ،،،، الا لقدره المحتوم وقع
It does not matter how high a bird can fly
when it is it's time, it will drop down
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الطبع غلب التطبع
you are born with it, nothing will change it
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كل قبيلة.. فيها هبيلة
In every group you will find the idiot
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اختار الصديق قبل الطريق
Be wise in choosing your friends
before you choose your way in life
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يخلق من الشبه أربعين
God created 40 people looking alike
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اللي بيلعب مع الصغار،، يتحمل هبلهم
Want to play with kids
you got to take their crap
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وأعبط منك لم ترى عيني .. وأهبل منك لم تلد النساء
My eyes have never seen a bigger idiot
and a more stupid person has not been born yet
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من تعلم لغة قوم أمن مكرهم
when you learn people's ********
you save yourself from their headaches
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فولة وانقسمت نصين
A bean split in two