احنا منتدياااااااااات دودي احلي شباب وبنات مصر كلها
يلا اكتب اسمك والباسورد ومضعيش وقت


احنا منتدياااااااااات دودي احلي شباب وبنات مصر كلها
يلا اكتب اسمك والباسورد ومضعيش وقت

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.


الصداقة هي الحب ولكن بلا أجنحة!

الرئيسيةالبوابةالتسجيلأحدث الصوردخول


 Sad Story ....heart braker

اذهب الى الأسفل 
3 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عضو مـــــاسي
عضو مـــــاسي

عدد الرسائل : 1159
تاريخ الميلاد : 13/07/1988
العمر : 36
نشاط العضو :
Sad Story ....heart braker Left_bar_bleue52 / 10052 / 100Sad Story ....heart braker Right_bar_bleue

تاريخ التسجيل : 28/09/2007

Sad Story ....heart braker Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Sad Story ....heart braker   Sad Story ....heart braker I_icon_minitime5/4/2008, 05:23


boy:: hello?
girl:: hey!
boy:: what r u up 2?
girl:: just thinking about the greatest guy in the world..u?
boy:: oh nuthing..
girl:: r u ok?..u sound upset.
boy:: im fine..just..
girl:: just what?
boy:: idk, ive just been thinking..
girl:: thinking what?..
boy:: ....[silence]
girl:: please tell me, i love you.
boy:: i think we should take a break.
girl:: ...what? [voice shaky]
boy:: look i cant take all ur drama anymore.
girl:: i thought u said u loved helping me..loved being there for me.
boy:: i just cant take it anymore.
girl:: ...please dont do this.
boy:: its just a break, we can go out at the beginning of summer...i promise. every girl i date till then will be a lie. i only love you.
girl:: ...why...how...u said u would never turn into one of them.. a heart breaker.. what about paris?
boy:: look...i love you i swear i do, just we cant date.
girl:: theres more then my emotions right? theres another reason..
boy:: ...no..just we need to take a break.
girl:: i cant promise i will be waiting here for you when summer comes.
boy:: ight....
girl:: i cant believe you, u said u loved me, u said im the one, u said u would never leave me... ive gave u so many chances... yeah w/e. leave me then.
boy:: i love you..im sorry.
girl:: dont say that... i better go.
boy:: no i wanna talk.
girl:: well i dont, go call someone else.
boy:: no i want u.
girl:: you had me...u broke me.
boy:: im sorry [starts crying]
girl:: yeah, thats what they all say... ill see u at school. goodbye number 3.
boy:: babe..dont.
girl:: dont call me babe! im not ur babe..bye.
boy:: i love you..
girl:: i lov...[hangs up]

the girl throws her phone at her wall and screams into her pillow..
she cant take the pain.
she reaches for her knife..
puts it on her wrist..and watches as she slashes herself away.
tears run down her face. she stops.
u looks down..she had cut her vein.
she couldnt breathe...blood was pooring out of her.
she lay there on her carpet as she died.
she wispered to herself.."maybe now he will care"
those were her last words.
the boy had called back to tell her not to cut..but it was to late.
she lay there, cold..her blood stained carpet and her ringing phone across her room where she had threw it.

the next day her parents found her dead; they imformed the school.
they notified her friends and family..they couldnt believe it.
he loved her...she loved him.
what happend?

the school made an annoncment..."students may i have ur attention please...we have terrible news. one of our students has commited suside last night, we are so sorry...we will need to see her closest friends and boyfriend."

the boys heart stopped...he knew it was her..tears started to form in his eyes.
he walked down to the councelers office and saw her closest friends crying thier eyes out.
they looked at him.
girls bff:: do ou know why she did this?
boy:: ...yes..
girls bff:: what? it was you wasnt it? u killed her!
boy:: no we broke up...we had to.
girls bff:: no, u chose to..u ass!!
boy:: look u dont understand, i tried to stop her..i rele did.
girls bff:: yeah right, ur just like every other guy she dated, worthless...a lier. why did u break up with her, WHY?
boy:: u wouldnt believe me.
girls bff:: dont give me that. tell me.
boy:: i had a dreamm...
girls bff:: and?...
boy:: God told me i should break up with her.
girls bff:: what?
boy:: see u dont understand..
girls bff: no, no i dont.
boy:: never mind..i better get to class.
girls bff: yeah u do that.

the boy has diabetes... he becomes too depressed to take care of it.. he goes into a coma and doesnt come out...he dies.
he left a note in his journal..
"i love her, i shall be with her now."

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
رئيسه المنتدي
رئيسه المنتدي

عدد الرسائل : 7179
تاريخ الميلاد : 25/03/1988
العمر : 36
نشاط العضو :
Sad Story ....heart braker Left_bar_bleue99 / 10099 / 100Sad Story ....heart braker Right_bar_bleue

تاريخ التسجيل : 30/06/2007

Sad Story ....heart braker Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Sad Story ....heart braker   Sad Story ....heart braker I_icon_minitime24/6/2008, 02:42

جميييييييييييل يا قمر تسلم ايديكي
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مشـــرف قسم الاهـــــــــــــــــــلى
مشـــرف قسم الاهـــــــــــــــــــلى

عدد الرسائل : 6172
تاريخ الميلاد : 03/10/1989
العمر : 34
الحالة : وحــــيــــد
نشاط العضو :
Sad Story ....heart braker Left_bar_bleue85 / 10085 / 100Sad Story ....heart braker Right_bar_bleue

تاريخ التسجيل : 26/02/2008

Sad Story ....heart braker Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Sad Story ....heart braker   Sad Story ....heart braker I_icon_minitime24/6/2008, 08:59

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Sad Story ....heart braker
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